State of Miami University Girls

The Women’s Advocacy Group at Miami University was founded with the goal of shaping the student culture in a way that, over time, reduces the incidence of sexual assault and disordered eating at Miami and warms the climate for Miami’s female students. The group commissioned a study in fall of 2003 to determine the undergraduate perspective … Continue reading

The best article I’ve seen in a long time about body image.

The Guardian on Facebook Sunday 10 June 2012 Uncomfortable in our skin: the body-image report By Eva Wiseman More of us than ever hate the way that we look. It’s making us anxious, unhealthy and disempowered. A special report on the pressures distorting the way we think and feel Outside, on a warm morning in March, students … Continue reading

Lena Dunham making strides for girls in the media

With the rise in popularity of her show, “Girls” on HBO, Lena Dunham’s name has quickly come into the entertainment canon. Her wit, excellent writing and fearless acting have all stolen our hearts and has allowed her to make strides in the entertainment industry though she doesn’t exactly fit the stereotypical mold physically. I’ve been … Continue reading

the show that must not be named

Tonight CBS will air one of the worst broadcasts in all of television. I could sit here and tell you all the reasons I find it repulsive, but it would involve a post in every category of this blog. Therefore I will leave you with this: If you watch the stupid show, you are supporting … Continue reading

hypersex, girls, and college life.

If you were to step foot on a college campus at 11:30 at night, you would be shocked at what you see. Girls everywhere – and pretty ones. Girls in dresses so short you can see their butt cheeks, jeans so tight they can’t possibly breathe, and heels so high they can barely walk. It’s … Continue reading

joan jacobs brumberg

          Joan Jacobs Brumberg is one of the top prizefighters in the arena of women’s rights. A celebrated professor at Cornell University, Brumberg has been writing about the struggles of women since 1988. Her first book Fasting Girls: The History of Anorexia Nervosa, was highly acclaimed and won Brumberg great esteem … Continue reading


In a culture that bleats feebly about gender equality and respect for women’s rights, there are shocking elements of our culture that reveal we have taken two steps forward and ten steps back in terms of the way women are portrayed in the media. Yes, there are women like Oprah, Katie Couric, and Diane Sawyer … Continue reading

Eating Disorder Treatment Covered by Insurance?

Though it is commonly understood that eating disorders are debilitating and often deadly, a recent NYTimes article brought to light that many insurance companies have been unwilling to cover treatment for such disorders in their policies. Turning individuals away because their “weight was not low enough” or expecting them to pay the outrageous prices for … Continue reading

What Makes a Woman Beautiful?

The phrase “what makes a woman beautiful” is the main argument of the piece. It asks the audience to consider what feminine characteristics they associate with beauty and challenges them to consider that physical attributes are not the only things that can be beautiful about a woman. I chose not to include a question mark … Continue reading